VettVoter for winning voter petition checking software

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Are They Really Registered Voters?

Quickly Vett Petitions

Here's a simple cost effective way to verify that the signatures you've gathered are from registered voters.

Odds are the hand written entry on your petition is difficult to read.  Put in what you can and let the computer list the likely voters.

Working with volunteers?  Here's a simple job that anyone with an Internet connection can do,  The instructions are simple.  Volunteers can can do as much work as they want — and more than one can use VettVoter at the same time.

Are Your Opposition's Supporters Qualified?

Ballot or referendum petitions must by signed by people qualified to vote.  Checking who signed the petition is one of the most cost effective ways to eliminate the opposition.

Monitor Your Canvassers

Spot check petitions as they come in to cull out sloppy canvassers.  You can't be there but you can check.

Build Contacts

Use your ballot petition information to build a list of voters interested in your agenda.  All too often a campaign will miss this resource — particularly when re-election comes around.

Essential For Consultants

Election, referendum and even advocacy consultants regularly need to be sure of their filings and statistics.  What better way to ruin a reputation than to find that Mickey Mouse, Rusty Shakleford, Darth Vader, Taylor Swift and Homer Simpson reappear regularly in your statistics!

In fact, there's a million dollar 2016 lawsuit against a consulting group in Michigan over a petition drive gone sour when it seems like too few supporters were actually registered voters.

Rationally Priced

Your jurisdiction offers machine readable lists of registered voters.  We load that list into our server and give your campaign access for the duration of the campaign. So the price depends on the size and condition of the list to load and the length of the campaign.

Loading the half million Washington DC voters for a two month campaign cost $350.

Should that campaign decide to update the database, the charge will be $250.  Updating is really not necessary unless the canvassing period is particularly long.

Naturally, each campaign is different, but now you have an idea of cost.

We're Your Kind of People

We're a veteran publicist and a computer geek.  While no one has all the answers at least one of us speaks your language.  Give us a try!

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