VettVoter for winning voter petition checking software

Petition Audit Tools Demo

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This demonstration is a working example of an actual VettVoter control panel for a fictitious Washington, DC (names and addresses are scrambled to protect the innocent).

Try your name at Locate a Voter to find out how many registered voters in this imaginary jurisdiction share the same name.  Or use the same search with a first name and house number.  (Hint: Usually a handwritten first name and house number are the easiest to read.  Locate a Voter lets you quickly figure out the rest of the scrawl.)

Check out the How to Batch Validate Petitions instructions before uploading a file for Batch Validation — this is our most powerful tool that lets you make the most out of green volunteers.  It's also the fastest way to whip through a stack of petitions.  (Hint: Print and keep the Batch Validation report in case of a challenge.)

Naturally, your version will have a database with the registered voters in your jurisdiction.  Until then, here's the place for a test drive!

Locate a Voter

Select your name search method:

Absolute to ask for exact matches
Fuzzy to get names that sound similar or require minimal spelling changes to match (can be Sloooow).

First Name:      Last Name:      House Number: 

How to Batch Validate Petitions

How to Transcribe Individual Petition Pages — Use a word processor to make a list in the form:

      LastName,FirstName [,MiddleInitial [,NameSuffix]]

How to use a Batch Validation Report— A side by side of review of a petition and its associated Batch Validation Report will quickly and efficiently rehabilitate and document registered voters with with ambiguous, missing or unreadable petition entries.

Create A Batch Validation Report

File to upload:

    Warning! Times out after 3 minutes.   Smaller batches take less time.

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